Flood Floor Installation | Foliera Inc.

Opportunity for Expansion

Foliera Inc. was presented with the opportunity to grow their business with the acquisition of a second farm—this allowed not only for immediate growth, but also with the prospect to extend the greenhouse footprint in the future.

Located just minutes from the home farm located in Lincoln, Ontario; the decision to retro-fit the former vegetable greenhouse to a modern greenhouse for ornamental plants was made simple by the excellent condition of the greenhouse, as well as the knowledge and support of local companies to help bring the vision to fruition.

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Flood Floor & Irrigation System

Deciding on which systems to use came down to several factors. Accessibility, ease of use, system longevity and plant uniformity led to the decision to install concrete flood floors designed and installed by Zwart Systems.

In addition to the new flood floors, the existing irrigation system was removed, and a new system was engineered that maximizes efficiency of water and fertilizer usage. This system is designed to meet all current needs while also forecasting future farm development. Fresh and fertilizer pumping unit with variable frequency drives and premium efficiency pumps, ECA generation and injection system, water storage solutions, and automatic filtration are several of the key components designed and installed by Zwart Systems to create a bespoke irrigation solution for Foliera.

Zwart Systems would like to thank Foliera for the opportunity to work alongside them on this project and would also like to thank our installation crews that worked through the heat and added restrictions of Covid-19 safety measures to see this project through to completion.