pH Correction: If your farm or greenhouse irrigates using rainwater or lake water, you may have water that is low in bicarbonates. If this is the case, then often fertilizer selection will help you reach your desired pH level.
If your farm irrigates using well water or pond water, the bicarbonates can be high, and it may be a challenge to correct and maintain at a proper pH level. When bicarbonate is high it is necessary to lower the pH by adding an acid. When the pH value and the desired set point are too far apart, and the bicarbonate level is high, multiple dosings of acid may be required. If dose levels are too strong you can go over the ‘pH cliff’.
Circulating water in a tank with a pH loop is the safest way to maintain the correct pH set point.
Stabilize your pH by buffering your water from a high pH to a balanced pH set point to deliver proper pH-balanced water to the crop so nutrients are maximized at the plant level. Buffering your raw water storage with a pH loop sets your farm up to grow a more successful crop. When fertilizer is introduced through a Cyclone Pump Set a final correction can be made to the solution as it is sent to the crop.
Facts About pH Correction
For more information on pH Correction, please contact your AdeptAg sales representative.