Automated Shipping System

Automated Shipping System

Automated Shipping System:  For many growers, this is an area of operation in which they see the most room for improvement.  For some growers, their shipping system, or lack thereof, is one of the most challenging areas of their business.

How many times have you seen, carts chaotically pulled around shipping areas, “grocery shopping” to fill orders?  Discouragingly disorganized, inefficient, time/labor consuming, and perhaps, worst of all, prone to errors.  Shipping errors translate to lost revenue, administrative/billing cleanup, and ultimately, unhappy customers. Many operations have simply grown out of their shipping methodology and keep adding band-aides (like more labor) and workarounds every year without addressing the root issues.

As seen in the video, this automated shipping system changes the entire shipping paradigm by moving the correct product directly to the shipping carts, which are set in a stationary, coded grid, and then, loaded by workers who read simple location codes printed directly on the trays.


Features / Benefits:

  • Fundamentally changes the normal shipping scheme by bringing the product to the correct cart “lanes” and then, providing simple, error-free instructions of exact cart/shelf position to human loaders.
  • Integrates into the customer’s computer system and works directly off the “Master Pick List”.
  • Tailor-made for operations that have many smaller orders and therefore, need to have more than one order on a truck.
  • The system allows for multiple tray entry points such as direct conveyors from the greenhouse, or an entry conveyor loaded from carts.
  • Systems shown in the above videos are rated at 1,500 and 2,250 trays per hour, respectively.
  • Enables “bench running” by accepting all trays from a bench, and then kicking trays that are not part of an order out of the system for consolidation.
  • The system is fast, and accurate, saves a significant amount of labor, and gets orders out on time.


  • The system is custom-built to our customers’ specifications.

For more information on the Automated Shipping System, please contact your AdeptAg sales representative.