Coir Processing

Showing all 2 results

  • CM100 Coir Processing Coco Mill

    CM100 Coir Processing Coco Mill

    The Logitec Plus CM100 Coir Processing Coco Mill is specially designed for the loosening of compressed coir blocks. The CM100 moisturizes and breaks the blocks automatically. Because the breaking of the blocks is mainly done by adding water there is no loss of structure and the original volume (as it was before compression) is regained.

    Coir is being used more often in modern horticulture due to the excellent breeding characteristics and good availability of the material. Coir is thought to be one of the most important growing media of the future. By compressing the material into blocks, coir can be shipped economically worldwide.

  • Logitec Plus-Coco Mill CM200-Coir Processing

    Coco Mill CM200-Coir Processing

    Up to now coir processing has been a slow process or carried out using brute force which breaks up the compressed blocks. This can damage the fibers and does not incorporate the necessary moisture in the coir to decompress properly. Proper moisture is required before filling and planting.

    The Coco Mill CM200-Coir Processing provides a solution for substrate producers and large nurseries to rehydrate large volumes of coir fully automatically. The coir blocks are gently tumbled inside the CM200 while water is added to rehydrate the blocks into the desired moisture percentage.

Market Segment
Product categories
  • Automation Solutions
    • Soil Handling
      • Coir Processing